RawMix features our protein-packed kibble covered in a nutritious bone broth and freeze dried raw coating, with added chunks of chicken & turkey freeze dried raw. Crafted with a blend of 100% animal welfare certified chicken and turkey, this flavorful recipe includes nutrient-dense meat, organ, and bone with no grains, legumes or any byproducts.
100% Animal Welfare Certified Chicken
Our humanely raised chickens are naturally raised on family farms with gentle handling, space, and the ability to engage in their natural behaviors. Our chickens are fed a healthy vegetarian diet without antibiotics or growth hormones. Chicken is a great source of protein and healthy fats.
100% Animal Welfare Certified Turkey
Our humanely raised turkeys are naturally raised on family farms in a free-range environment with gentle handling, space, and the ability to engage in their natural behaviors. Our turkeys are fed a healthy vegetarian diet without antibiotics or growth hormones. Turkey is a great source of protein and healthy fats.
Chicken Liver
Sourced from humanely raised chicken that are free from antibiotics. A great source of protein, rich in B vitamins, and trace minerals like phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, and iodine, and provides fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
Chicken Bone Broth
Derived from the slow simmering of chicken bones, a quality source of nutrients including collagen – which is composed of proline, lysine, and glycine, nutrients which have been known to support healthy joints and skin. Glycine plays a role in certain metabolic functions.